If you pay with a Visa credit card, you can avail of an extra 40% discount! To avail of this discount, you will have to go through the Visa website.
There are only 3 restaurants in the area that participate in this program, but all three are pretty good:
1. Chris McD's -- $10 for a $25 gift cert (min purchase $50, not valid on Sat)
2. Grand Cru -- $4 for a $10 gift cert, $10 for $25 gift cert (min purchase $35, dinner only)
3. Les Bourgeois Bistro -- $10 for a $25 gift cert (min purchase $50, Sun to Thu only)
The best deal is at Grand Cru. (All 3 restaurants used to have a $35 min purchase. Now the other 2 have increased theirs. Sign of the times, I guess.) As an example, if you take advantage of the Visa offer, you would get a $25 gift certificate to Grand Cru for only $6. If you stick to the $35 min purchase, you would be spending $16 for a $35 meal. That's more than 50% off!
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